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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Bonavita 1.0L Variable Temp Gooseneck Kettle


Bonavita's industry reputation over the years has set a standard of quality and precision, the variable temperature kettle is the perfect addition to any domestic or commercial workspace! 

The variable temperature kettle made from stainless steel and BPA-free plastic is matched with a 1 litre capacity, the gooseneck spout makes the Bonavita 1.0L variable temperature kettle a perfect brewing partner for coffee and tea lovers. Temperature adjustment is both accurate and precise allowing users to choose their specified temperature between 60 degrees Celsius - 98 degrees Celsius (140deg F - 212deg F) for ultimate brewing control. 

The 1000 Watt element means there will be a minimal wait time for your kettle to reach your desired temperature. Once at temperature users have the option at the press of a button to have the kettle 'heat and hold'! This means, you can pre-set your temp, press the heat and hold button and your kettle will hold that specific temperature for up to an hour! 

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